The blue version of the poster for the communication of unwine


unwine is a wine bar that aims to break the social norms of traditional wine bars, often perceived as elitist and reserved for experts. We offer a tasting experience that is both fun and dynamic, open to all wine enthusiasts.

This project is part of a larger initiative, "un," which seeks to shatter the clichés imposed by social classes, dictating what we can do and how we should do it. "Un" wants to show that "Anyone can do anything." For this first project, "unwine" intends to break the elitist conventions of wine bars.

unwine est un bar à vin qui veut briser les codes sociaux des bars à vin tradi tionnels, souvent perçus comme élitistes et réservés aux experts. Nous pro posons une expérience de dégustation à la fois ludique et dynamique, ouverte à tous les amateurs de vin.

Ce projet fait partie d'un ensemble plus large, «un», qui vise à briser les clichés imposés par les classes sociales, nous dictant ce que nous pouvons faire et comment nous devons le faire. «un» veut montrer que «Anyone can do any thing». Pour ce premier projet, «unwine» souhaite casser les codes élitistes des bars à vin.

Shooting of the business card inside the wine bar
Shooting of the menu of the unwine bar
Shooting of the unwine shirt
Shooting of the invitation card for the bar
The red version of the poster for the communication of unwine
The green version of the poster for the communication of unwine
Shooting of the invitation card for the bar
Shooting of the unwine totebag